Title: Per on passa el futur (Where the future pas)
Producers: Isona Passola (executive production), Jordi Ambròs (executive production TVC), Aleix Castellón (director of production), Joan Pavon (delegated production TVC) Alba Forn (delegated production)
Director: Isona Passola
Script: Isona Passola i Joan Dolç
Sound: Ignasi Soler i Paco Casted
Director of photography: Carles Mestres
Editor: Joan Dolç i Ignasi Soler
Cast: Documentary
Genre: Documentary
Release: 2012
Length: 55 minutes
The Documentary talks about “Corredor del Mediterrani” concretely about the ambition of the project and the way this project is directly related to the future of Catalonia, meanwhile the Spain government wanted to do the same but making it pass through Madrid.
The Documentary make a reflection about the challenges that confront the project, the existence of another big transportation axle.