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Filming of Uncertain Glory.

Those who are fans of the novel UNCERTAIN GLORY, of which there are many around the world, know that it is not just one novel, but many novels and it is precisely this wealth that has made it famous. So it contains a lot of possible movies and the movies take a full stretch, two hours. The screenwriter has to choose the path that seems most cinematic to him and that can best fit the director's temperament so that the story becomes his own. We discussed all this with the Coral Cruz, the screenwriter and Agustí in the courtyard of Massa d'Or for hours and hours while the afternoons of all the seasons fell. What characters can’t be there if we choose this narrative thread or this other one? poor Cruells, not in the movie!

Joan Sales said in 1956: "We seek Glory in many things but, above all, in love". And of course, the movie Uncertain Glory will also be about love. But not with a happy ending of those where the viewer is left with the kiss that solves everything but just after the kiss when the real life of love begins with so much difficulty and so much contradiction that it ends up giving meaning to that other phrase so enigmatic of Sales himself that he says that "the best war is the one that is lost." Perhaps because losing wars-wars or wars of love is what brings you closer to the happy complexity of life and has the most lucid, richest, most generous, ultimately most cinematic.

He remembered all this in the middle of filming in the Aragonese town of Angüés in a beautiful scene that takes place in the front. Those with special effects have already filled the square with foam and the snow is pristine, the spotlights give a white-blue moonlight that floods everything. A group of officers celebrate Christmas Eve in the canteen and sing songs that come out through the tinted windows and then we see Lluís, Trini and Ramonet, warmly sheltered, dragging a cardboard horse towards the party. All the protection of the love of the family group on this white journey. Once inside the canteen, this magic will collapse: Trini will know that her husband is unfaithful to her and outside she freezes hard.

Isona Passola

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