Title: El Passatger Clandestí (Clandestine passenger)
Producers: Isona Passola (executive production), Gerardo Herrero i Pierre Javaux (associated production), Isidre Terraza (director of production)
Director: Agustí Villaronga
Script: André Grall, Isona Passola i Pierre Javaux
Soundtrack: Béatrice Thiriet
Photography: Carles Guasi
Editor: Amat Carreres
Cast: Simon Callow, Jordi Dauder, Bruno Todeschini i Marcè Pons Alexandre Zloto, Rosa
Novell, Joan Potau,, Josep Minguell, Fréderic Yrondi
Genre: Drama
Release: 1998
Length: 104 minutes
A giant cinema dies in a London mansion. The moment we see the inheritance, we discover that it goes to an unknown son called René Marechal. Owen, the only friend of the deceased, is decided to find this son.
During his research, on a cargo ship, discover a clandestine passenger, called Lota.